Water Supply and Wastewater Rehabilitation Project

Wide-scale information campaign on water meters is continuing.
Our team continues to inform the residents of the Amir Temur district regarding the installation of water meters under the EBRD&EU Water Project. Information materials were prepared, printed and delivered to Oshgorvodokanal.
Their distribution and placement were discussed and coordinated with the management of the Company. Some of the brochures have been distributed among residents of those areas where the installation of water meters began. The following materials were made:
1) Eight street banners
2) Two types of posters (in Kyrgyz and Russian) to convey basic information about the benefits of installing water meters, 150 copies.
3) Booklets to inform water users in the Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian languages (respectively, 3,000, 5,000 and 2,000 copies).
A video was made by the Consultant about the benefits of the Project to be used in the mass media chanels.